Saturday, July 12, 2008

life would be neat

This is a song called "Freddie Mercury's Moustache". I made it with my hands and my face.

or click here


Jacquelyn Sherry said...

According to my statistical analysis of 50 surveys, roughly 50% of BYU-Idaho girls would still date you if you had a 'stache.

Hannah Mariah Fitch said...

tylerlewis, oh my heavens, for some reason I had totally forgotten that you've been blogging, and now I am super excited to go back and read through it all (yes, Tyler, I may be your newest stalker). Basically, I didn't breathe through most of this song because I was laughing so hard, and I was wondering what size of a check it would take to get your songs onto my ipod....anyway, I LUUUUUUUV you tylerlewis and I can't wait to play, and I am SO excited about your mission call and...and...! yes.